# 好物11道来 #I like to eat Japanese rice crisps very much. I like it the first time I eat it. The price is reasonable and only less than 5 knives. It is the kind that is addictive once you eat it. It is soft, glutinous and sweet, and the sweetness is moderate. Both adults and children like to eat it. I have repurchased it 5 times, and I am ready to stock up after eating it all.
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# 好物11道来 #我很喜欢吃日本这个米脆,第一次吃就喜欢了,价格合理才不到5刀。是属于一吃就上瘾的那种,软糯香甜,甜度适中,大人小孩都喜欢吃。我已经回购5次啦,吃光准备又真准备囤货。