# 好物11道来 #Thai barbecue-flavored Lay's potato chips are delicious⁉️ I have bought domestic and American versions of Lay’s BBQ flavored potato chips before. Potato chips are in the shape of Lay’s and other flavors are not the same It tastes like baked potato chips instead of fried eat healthier Also slightly lower in fat crispy taste Great BBQ flavor The first time I saw the Thai version of barbecue flavor on Yamibuy Potato chips with the same taste in different countries will be different The American version is a bit saltier The Chinese version is more positive and has more barbecue flavor The Thai version is a little sweeter Which country do you think tastes better⁉️ # 亚米爆笑晒单 # # 值得买的黑科技 #
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# 好物11道来 #泰国烧烤味的乐事薯片好吃吗⁉️ 之前买过国产、美版的乐事烧烤味薯片 薯片形状乐事其他口味不太一样 是烤薯片的味道而不是油炸的 吃起来更健康 脂肪含量也稍微低一点 口感香脆 烧烤味十分入味 泰国版烧烤味第一次在亚米上看到 感觉不同国家同一口味的薯片会有所差异 美版的比较咸一点 国版的比较正、烧烤味更足 泰国版的偏甜一点 你们觉得哪个国家的口味更好吃呢⁉️ # 亚米爆笑晒单 # # 值得买的黑科技 #