#好物11道来 ##亚米爆笑晒单# Pola Black Facial Cleanser is also considered an internet celebrity. I like to spend money on things that greet my face. I buy all kinds of ladies’ cleansing products. Facial cleanser is the one with the smallest difference between brands. The cleansing and washing experience of more than sixty or seventy dollars is not bad, um... maybe the biggest difference is the fragrance, this fragrance is slightly lighter, and it seems that there is no memorable smell after washing. From the fragrance Let me tell you next time I will pass😅
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# 好物11道来 ## 亚米爆笑晒单 # Pola黑洗面奶也算一枚网红了吧,脸上招呼的东西我可最爱花钱了,各种贵妇洗护产品通通买一遍,洗面奶算是各品牌差别最小的一个,基本上只要上了六七十美刀以上的洁面洗感都大差不差的,嗯…可能差别最大的就是香味了,这个香味属于略淡的,洗完貌似没闻到什么有记忆点的味道,从香味来讲下次我会pass😅