#黑色星期唔呼!# 1⃣️0⃣️ Repurchased Nutritious Soft Tofu countless times Basically, it is repurchased in all seasons in spring, summer, autumn and winter now it's cold in winter A quick bowl of spicy cabbage tofu soup Hot and spicy, sweating from eating the whole body is warmed up This tofu is ready-to-eat So occasionally I have a bad appetite You can also directly serve tofu with shallots Refreshing and refreshing Although not as tender as inner fat tofu But it's also soft and slippery If you cook a bowl of stewed soup, you can also have a bowl of low-quality tofu nao It can also satisfy the hunger for those who miss domestic breakfast
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# 黑色星期唔呼! # 1⃣️0⃣️ 回购过无数次的营养嫩豆腐 基本是春夏秋冬四季都在回购 现在冬天天冷的时候 快速的来上一碗辣白菜豆腐汤 热乎乎 辣滋滋的 吃的冒汗 整个人都暖了起来 这个豆腐是开袋即食的 所以偶尔胃口不佳 还可以直接来上一份小葱拌豆腐 清爽又解腻 虽然不如内脂豆腐那么嫩 但也是软嫩Q滑 煮上一碗卤汤的话 还可以来碗低配的豆腐脑 也可以给想念国内早点的人解解馋了