#圣诞节氛围感# Every time Yami places an order, the must-have konjac jelly. Many of the new flavors that came in this time. All never tried before. Today I mainly want to talk about the powder grapefruit flavor. Contains 10% fruit juice. The taste is okay. Not too fruity. The sweetness of grapefruit can also come out. I personally think it tastes better than lemon flavor. But inferior to mango/grape/peach. On par with cantaloupe flavor. But the jelly tastes just as good. They are all Q bombs. Never get bored.
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# 圣诞节氛围感 # 每次亚米下单.必入的蒟蒻果凍. 这次入的很多都是新口味. 都是之前没有试过的. 今天主要想说下粉柚子味. 含有10%的果汁. 口感还行. 水果味不算浓. 柚子的甜香也能馋出来. 我个人觉得比柠檬味好吃. 但是逊色于芒果/葡萄/水蜜桃. 和哈密瓜味平起平坐. 但是果冻的口感一样赞. 都是Q弹Q弹的. 永不腻.