
[Yamik Open Course | Live Content (4)] Reasonable Cleaning (Prevention of Acne)

【Yami Open Class|Live Content (4)】

Lesson 2: Reasonable Cleaning (Prevention of Acne)

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We have done these days What???

Before, we shared a lot of dry skin care products of [Yan An Tang] in the sun list

9From September 26th to September 29th, [Yan An Tang] was brought to the WeChat group of Yami Skin Care Open Class

1 hour a day The most scientific skin care basics

Full of dry goods

The editor of Yami will organize the content of the live broadcast and share it with those who are too late to listen to the live broadcast~

---The main topic is coming---

Oily is a very troublesome problem for those with oily skin. In fact, large pores, acne and acne are all related to each other. So, let's start with the enlarged pores and blackheads and whiteheads caused by too much oil.


In the last lesson, we told you about the basic structure of the skin. We mentioned that hair follicles and sebaceous glands share the same outlet. Usually Under normal circumstances, sebum will be secreted normally every day, and then it will be excreted along the hair. However, due to hormones or some stimuli, the secretion of sebum may be accelerated. This will cause some problems.


As mentioned earlier, the composition of sebum mainly includes triglycerides, squalene, wax grease, etc. The consistency of the sebum. Once the sebum is excessively secreted, it may clog the pores. After drying, it will harden and finally form a horn plug.


Of course, there are keratinocytes in addition to sebum that block the opening of the hair follicle.< /span>

Keratinocytes are always metabolized, and there is a metabolic cycle in which excessively worn or aged keratinocytes are discarded. Once, this process There is a little problem in the keratinization, such as the speed of keratinization becomes faster, and too much waste keratin is produced, and the enzymes that work in it may not be busy or work for some reason. At this time, the waste keratin cannot be thrown away. , causing blockage of the follicle opening.

Abandoned cutin blocks the opening of the hair follicle, further making it difficult for the sebum secreted to pass through. When the two conditions are combined, the opening of the hair follicle is blocked. If the blockage can be removed in time, the pores may shrink. If they remain blocked, the pores will lose their ability to shrink and become larger.

Of course, this process is also related to our skin's own elasticity and pores

span> shrink Ability related. Shrinkage ability is related to sunlight ultraviolet rays and skin aging Relevant. If the skin is too old and has no elasticity, the pores will easily become larger and cannot be retracted.


There are two types of clogged pores, blackheads and whiteheads.< /p>

The head of the pore blockage can come into contact with the outside air, and this part of the sebum will oxidize and turn black. It is white. This is the cause of blackheads, and blackheads are also called open comedones. If the angle plug stays in the skin without contact with the outside world, it is whiteheaded comedones, also called closed comedones. 

If you have acne, you can correspond to the picture above (different stages of acne). span>

The earliest are blackheads and whiteheads, which are mostly manifested as uneven skin, rough skin, and enlarged pores. If this problem is not solved in time , the outlet of the hair follicle in contact with the outside air will be blocked by the angle plug.


In our skin, there are all kinds of bacteria. Some anaerobic bacteria, such as Propionibacterium acnes, had no chance to rebel. Now When the hair follicle is blocked, these anaerobic bacteria become active in the absence of oxygen. A large number of cytotoxins are released at the same time. At this time, our immune system will be exposed to the alarm, and inflammatory cytokines will be released. Triggered. Then neutrophils and macrophages are called out to destroy the bacteria. This elimination process will bring about an inflammatory response, and the acne that is not red or painful begins to slowly turn into red and stinging pimples. If not further treated at the papular stage, the wound develops abscesses, which reach the pustular stage.


Many people can't help squeezing the pustule when they see it, but squeezing it at this time may cause more serious problems.

First, a lot of bacteria may be introduced. Second, bacteria and pustules may be squeezed into the dermis (blackheads, whiteheads, pus It was originally only a problem of the epidermis). At this time, the problem has become bigger. Until the pustule stage, we can also consider it as a skin care problem, and we can consider using skin care products to solve it. If the dermis is endangered, it may lead to the final nodule Or the appearance of cysts. Some people have complex acne on their face or a large area of acne, which is already a problem of the dermis, and even the subcutaneous fat is inflamed together. At this time, you can't just rely on skin care products to get rid of it. I have to go to the doctor.


Especially the pustules under the nose and the upper lip area (we call it the danger triangle), please remember not to stimulate it. It may cause Bacteria enter the blood vessels and directly enter the brain, thus threatening our lives. Squeeze out the cysts and nodules that may be formed by the pustules, and it is easy to leave scars at the end. Because it penetrates deep into the dermis, the resulting acne marks are difficult to deal with (It only affects the acne marks on the epidermis, and the skin can generally be repaired by metabolism).

For different stages of acne, our treatment methods are also different.

The best treatment is of course prevention, don't let the pores get clogged. The first thing to do is to control oil, and the second is to prevent excessive hair follicles The third is to prevent bacteria.

Let's talk about oil control first. Oil control is actually related to many things.< /span>

First, eating foods high in sugar or salt can easily trigger a hormone in our body [IGF-1]. It will mediate and accelerate the secretion of sebum. Therefore, a high-sugar and high-salt diet will make Friends with oily skin are more likely to have acne problems. Here is the question of eating spicy food. There is no scientific basis for eating spicy acne. Generally, hot pots that are very spicy usually have high salt content, so it is very likely to be high salt. impact.

In addition to diet, there are also issues of work and rest, staying up late. These two states can affect sebum secretion. And stress can also affect hormones in the body secretion, leading to accelerated secretion of sebaceous glands.

Finally, there is a case of normal hormones in the body, such as puberty or other reasons for the menstrual cycle. Related factors, such as androgens, will Accelerates the secretion of sebum.


So what can be done to help control oil?

First, diet. One can add B family of vitamins, it itself has oil control effect. A little zinc salt can be added. This can help prevent excessive keratinization of the hair follicles. Since the enzymes involved in discarding waste keratinocytes require the activation of zinc, zinc deficiency can cause the enzymes to fail to work, resulting in the accumulation of keratin in the hair follicles.< span>


Second, when it comes to external use on the skin. Consider niacinamide or vitamin aAlcohol products. The use of niacinamide actually requires a long-term process. VitaminaAlcohol may be relatively quick and you can see results in a week or so. However it is more irritating and the skin will dry out and then peel . This means that your skin is intolerant and can only be stopped. Of course, niacinamide actually has such a problem. More importantly, there is a part of niacin in niacinamide. Some people are intolerant to niacin, and the skin Rash will appear. Therefore, it is recommended that you test on the wrist or behind the ear before using it. You can continue to use it if there is no problem after the test.


About the hyperkeratosis of hair follicles.

In fact, a lot of hyperkeratosis is not caused by the skin itself. It is because the products we use are causing some irritation to the skin. Picture There are some ingredients that are easy to cause acne, you can refer to it.

We also mentioned some principles of the influence of lauric acid and oleic acid in the explanation of the first class. Of course, we can't beat it with one stick. All products that contain these ingredients should be considered. After all, the reaction of the individual skin and the specific content of the ingredients should be considered. Everyone still needs to try and find the most suitable skin care products for themselves. p>

Finally talk about reducing bacterial exposure.

The above picture shows the shape of a mobile phone. This is a British experiment, in fact, the mobile phone is placed in a petri dish It can be grown into very large plaques.

Someone asks why you always get acne on one side of your face, so you can consider whether you often answer the phone with your phone attached to one side of your face. And Consider whether you like to sleep on your side when you sleep. Therefore, especially for some students who are prone to acne, they need to pay more attention to the cleaning of mobile phones and pillow sheets, and regular disinfection and sterilization. Similarly, forehead acne can be considered as the cause of air bangs. In addition , the problem of frequent acne around the mouth may require a test for Helicobacter pylori in the stomach.

There are also some people who are prone to acne on the front and back of the chest (where there are more sebaceous glands). In this case, one should pay attention to the clothes Don't cover too tightly, and don't use skin care products that are too heavy. In addition to paying attention to these, you can also consider seeing a doctor and prescribing some medicine. If it is bacterial folliculitis, you may prescribe some antibacterial drugs such as clindamycin. If If it is fungal folliculitis, something like ketoconazole may be prescribed. These must be bought according to the doctor's prescription. Sometimes we can also try some anti-dandruff shampoos, because some contain ketoconazole .Of course, this is just a suggestion.


Sulfur soap for acne is quite controversial.< /span>

Some dermatologists recommend using it because sulfur itself has a bactericidal effect. There are also a large number of doctors who do not recommend it. Soap is a washing process. The contact time between the ingredients and the skin is very short, and it is difficult to say whether the effect is good or not. On the other hand, sulfur soap is very irritating to the skin, which will cause the skin to become drier and drier. The skin barrier function is destroyed, but the gain is more than the loss. .


Here we finish the prevention of acne breakouts.

(To be continued...)

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