I have eaten several brands of 螺蛳粉, and my favorite is 好欢螺. The soup is very rich (yes, I also drank the soup (๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘)). All the chili oil is still very spicy. Serve with some bok choy. Perfect. Needless to say, Vitasoy will come with you every time you place an order ~ it tastes so good~ and it is much cheaper than the one in the village!
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几个牌子的螺蛳粉吃下来,最喜欢的还是好欢螺啦。汤汁很浓郁(没错我还喝汤了(๑⃙⃘´༥`๑⃙⃘))。所有辣油放下去也还是很辣的。配上一些小白菜。完美。 维他奶不用说了,每次下单都会捎上的~好喝到窒息~而且比村里的便宜好多!