#圣诞节氛围感# Thick coconut milk is a popular product recently, and it is highly recommended by all major internet celebrity bloggers, and Yami is also on sale. I couldn't help but followed suit and bought a wave, haha. First buy a bottle of the Panpan brand to try (I didn’t buy the Fino one because I read the comments that it is not easy to store after opening without a lid) Panpan’s has a lid, so you can buy it with confidence~ In terms of taste, it feels like a thick version of coconut milk, which is sweet, and it is actually delicious to drink alone. I tried to make a cup of raw coconut latte and it tastes great! ❤️ Will always repurchase
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# 圣诞节氛围感 # 最近厚椰乳这个产品很火呀,各大网红博主都在极力推荐,亚米也在热卖中。本人忍不住跟风买了一波,哈哈。先买一瓶盼盼牌子的来尝尝(没买菲诺那款其实是因为看评论说没有盖子打开后不好储存)盼盼这款是有盖子的,所以小伙伴们可以放心购买哈~味道的话感觉就是浓厚版本的椰奶,甜甜的,单喝其实就已经很好喝了。自己试着做了一杯生椰拿铁感觉味道也是很棒棒的!❤️会一直回购