#再见2022# Jinzai Dried Tofu, I especially like this salty and fresh snack. Dried tofu, dried fish, vegetarian steak, konjac, and fish tofu are always available at home and are indispensable. And the brand of Jinzai has been purchased since I first arrived in the United States. The first product is dried fish, which is delicious and trustworthy.
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# 再见2022 # 劲仔豆干,特别喜欢这个咸鲜的小零食。什么豆干呀,小鱼干呀,素牛排呀,魔芋爽呀,鱼豆腐呀都是家中常备,不可缺少的。而劲仔这个牌子从我刚到美国就开始购买,第一个产品就是小鱼干,好吃,值得信赖