#再见2022# I really like Haidilao's fresh and fragrant clear soup hot pot base. It is very light. It comes with a small packet of Chinese herbal medicines, including red dates and goji berries. Not greasy, sometimes when eating hot pot, I am afraid that the soup will be very thick when the water dries up, hee hee 😁 The clear soup is delicious 😋, like it👍
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# 再见2022 # 我挺喜欢海底捞这款鲜香清汤火锅底料,它非常的清淡,附送有一小包的中药材,有红枣枸杞,不但可以令汤底更鲜美而且对身体好哦,做火锅最喜欢清汤了,不会油腻,有时候吃火锅就怕最后水干了汤底特别的浓稠,嘻嘻😁清汤好吃😋,点赞👍