#再见2022# The brand of Jin Gaoli is really delicious. This cold noodle is Yami's best-selling model. It has been repurchased many times, mainly because the family members also like it very much, so I will add it every time I place an order. 2 packs in cart. The quality is very stable, sisters can rest assured to buy ✌️ If you like sweet and spicy taste, you must not miss this one
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# 再见2022 # 金高丽这个牌子的东西真的是什么都好吃,这款大冷面是亚米的畅销款,已经回购很多次了,主要是家属也很喜欢,所以每次下单的时候我都会加2包在购物车。质量很稳定的,姐妹们大可放心购买✌️如果喜欢甜甜辣辣的口感,这款一定不要错过啦