# 再见2022 # There are 20 tea bags in a box, including red beans, red beans, barley, barley, licorice, orange peel, gardenia, and gorgon. It can be brewed directly according to the instructions. The taste is a touch of Chinese herbal medicine, but the nutrients of the active substances are not fully released. I will use a health pot and add water to cook for about 20 minutes, or add a packet when cooking multigrain porridge.
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# 再见2022 #一盒里有20茶包,含红豆,赤小豆,薏米,大麦,甘草,橘皮,栀子,芡实。可以按说明直接冲泡,味道是淡淡的中草药味,但有效物质营养释放的并不充分,我会用养生壶加水煮20分钟左右,或者煮杂粮粥时加入一包。