#兔然就过年了# I can finally eat this morning It’s soft even if eaten directly without heat This time the bread has finally been approved by the picky eaters Dough mixer is worth the world The bread tastes salty, like scallion pancakes Strange, a lot of sugar is added when kneading the dough, it’s not sweet at all The main two ingredients of shallot meat floss are from YAMI Yami ✅The meat floss tastes very good Baodao Meat Crisp Box 112g Small cans I bought before After eating, I bought a big can Next time I'll try making meat floss rolls ✅Mayonnaise spread a layer But it doesn’t taste very special, it’s just a bit salty anyway. Japanese KEWPIE Kewpie Mayonnaise 500g - Yamibuy The outlet design is very good. It is said that the mixed fruit salad is also delicious.
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# 兔然就过年了 # 今天早上 终于可以吃了 没有热 直接吃 也很暄软 这次的面包 终于得到了 挑食队友的认可 和面机 人间值得 面包吃起来是咸口的 像葱油饼的味道 奇怪 和面的时候加了很多糖 一点都不甜呢 香葱肉松的主要两种材料都来自 YAMI 亚米 ✅肉松口感很可 宝岛 肉酥 盒装 112g 之前买的小罐装 吃完 又买了大罐装的 下次试一下做 肉松卷 ✅蛋黄酱 抹了一层 但是吃不太出来特别的味道 反正就是一点咸咸的 日本KEWPIE丘比 美乃滋蛋黄酱 500g - 亚米 出口设计的很好 据说拌水果沙拉也好吃呢