# 兔然就过年了 # 25. Japan KOKUBO Kokubo Activated Carbon Powerful Deodorant Special for Refrigerator Refrigeration 150g It is worthy of the praise below it, very easy to use and extremely easy to use. There is no smell in the refrigerator! Wireless repurchase and stockpiling. However, the maintenance time of this effect is weaker than that of the black one in the freezer. Of course, there is also the problem of size. My freezer is small, and the refrigerated part below is relatively large.
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# 兔然就过年了 # 25.日本KOKUBO小久保 活性炭强力脱臭剂 冰箱冷藏专用 150g对得起它下面的好评,巨好用巨好用巨好用。冰箱味道全没!无线回购囤货。不过这个效果的维持时间要比冰柜那个黑色款弱一些。当然也有大小的问题吧,我家冰柜是小不点,下面冷藏的部分比较大。