#兔然就过年了# I suddenly miss Liangpi How to do it So I bought konjac strips as Liangpi Bought lotus root sucking juice as gluten It's really interesting This konjac is low in calories and very smooth Cook it, take it out and let it cool down Soak lotus root for 20 minutes in advance, cook for a while and cool down Add sesame sauce, vinegar, chili oil, salt, chicken essence cilantro and bean sprouts if available Very tasty
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# 兔然就过年了 # 突然很想念凉皮 怎么办呢 于是买了魔芋条 当做凉皮 买了吸汁面藕 当面筋 还真有那么一点意思 这个魔芋是低卡的 很爽滑 煮一下捞出来 凉凉就行了 面藕提前泡二十分钟 稍微煮一下 凉一下 加芝麻酱 醋 辣椒油 盐 鸡精 香菜 和 豆芽菜 如果有的话 非常好吃