# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富# This Ranli handmade tiger skin cake has actually been planted for a long time, and the last order just happened to be replenished, so hurry up and buy it! This rectangular cake is a bit like buying it in a bakery. It didn't feel soft when you got it, but it was quite soft when you opened the package, and it tasted very dense and delicate. This tiger skin cake is made of eggs, wheat flour, and vegetable oil. The sweet and fragrant lactic acid bacteria sandwich really enriches the taste! This piece is quite generous, perfect for breakfast. With a cup of coffee, start your day full of energy!
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# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富 # 這款然利手工虎皮蛋糕其實在已經種草了好久,最近一次下單剛好補貨,趕緊買啦!這款長方形的蛋糕有點像是在西餅店裡買的,拿到手的時候沒有覺得鬆軟,但是打開包裝掰開的一刻覺得還挺鬆軟的,吃起來口感挺綿密細緻的。這款虎皮蛋糕選用雞蛋、小麥粉、植物油,清甜回香的乳酸菌夾心確實是豐富了口感! 這一塊份量還挺足的,當早餐太適合啦。配一杯咖啡,開啟元氣滿滿的一天!