# 兔然就过年了 # 48. Butterfly Purple Potato Condiment Rescued Purple Potato Milk Tea. This one was made by Dai Bin. I said to buy purple sweet potato + taro, but he didn’t, he had to buy taro separately. The paste produced was not purple at all...the milk tea produced was not right...I quickly took out the ube purple potato drop I bought at Yami, and added a little bit of it. The color is right and the taste is a lot better....
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# 兔然就过年了 # 48.butterfly紫薯调味品拯救的紫薯奶茶。这个是呆斌做的,我说买紫薯+芋头,他不,非得单独买芋头。打出来的paste压根没有紫色....做出来的奶茶也不对头...我赶紧把之前在亚米买的这个ube紫薯drop掏出来,加进去一丢丢。颜色对了,味道也好了不少....