#兔然就过年了# #兔然暴富# I’ve eaten too much snail noodles, but I still don’t feel like I’ve had enough. I still can’t afford it at home. When I really don’t know what to eat or it’s too late to cook, it’s right to eat snail noodles! So I like to stock up on super value packs, such as Yami’s Bundle with snail noodles. This time, I stocked up on 10 bags of spicy flavor. Filling the cupboards to the brim will give you a sense of security and you won’t be hungry. La!
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# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富 # 实在是吃了太多螺蛳粉了,可是依然没有觉得吃够,家里还是一直不能缺少,实在不知道吃什么或者来不及做饭的时候,吃螺蛳粉准没错!所以很喜欢囤货超值装,比如亚米的Bundle装螺霸王螺蛳粉,这次又囤货了麻辣味10袋装,把橱柜塞得满满的看着就有安全感,不会饿着啦!