#兔然就过年了# When I opened the sealed package, I saw that the small crisps inside were a bit like small pieces of fried chicken. It reminded me of popcorn chicken. It was very crispy to chew. This scallion-flavored chicken really tastes like other than scallion-flavored chicken. Of course, the taste is not the same as chicken. I chose a small package of 60 grams of scallion-flavored chicken. In addition, there are three different flavors: original, light spicy, and black pepper. Each flavor has a large portion of family sharing. Although this is a small package, but in fact the portion is quite a lot! The seasoning is quite strong. If you eat more than a few pieces, you will start to feel a little dry mouth, and if you eat too much of this kind of snacks, you will get angry. I eat this small packet for two days. It has a taste!
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# 兔然就过年了 # 打開密封包裝看到裡面的小小酥有點像是小塊的炸雞肉,讓我想起了popcorn chicken啦,嚼起來很香脆,這款蔥香雞肉味還真是有吃除了蔥香雞肉的味道,當然跟雞肉的口感是不一樣的啦。 我選的是小包裝60克的蔥香雞肉味,除此之外還有原味、輕辣、黑胡椒這三款不同的口味可選,每一款口味都有大份量的家庭分享裝。雖然這是小包裝的,但其實份量也不少啦!調味料是挺濃的,吃多幾塊會開始覺得有點口乾,而且這類零食吃多了會上火,我這一小包是分開兩天吃的啦,偶爾吃吃旺旺小小酥還挺有口感的!