#兔然就过年了# This time it's serious, use it well BEAR Household Small Automatic Dough Kneading Machine Stainless Steel Electric Kneading Machine Multifunctional Fermentation Dough Mixing Chef Machine 3.5L HMJ-A35Q2 - Yami $79.99(arrived price) I made two kinds of bread ✅Scallion Meat Floss Buns The same recipe as last time ✅Blueberry Dried Fruit Cheese Bun Learn the best recipe from Baby Marvin 🔆 But I don’t have cranberries, I replaced them with dried cantaloupe and various nuts It’s amazing. Dried and sweet cantaloupe can’t be eaten at all, but after making it into bread stuffing, it’s actually delicious 🔆The blueberries themselves are dried and together with various nuts. After making the bread filling, it seems to melt by itself, and the whole filling turns purple, which is pretty nice When kneading noodles, the ratio of noodles to milk is 1.5 to 1 Knead dough for 40 minutes (20 minutes last time) Forty minutes later, I saw that it didn't stick at all. Achieved three lights: face light, basin light, hand light (no sticking hands) Take a look at the milk muscle dough in Figure 1 The dough also smells delicious. Can the bread be delicious? Use a silicone spatula to take out the noodles and put them on the panel Make small portions, shape each small portion into a round cake, and add the filling. 📣If you want more fluffy liquid (milk), you can add more But it will be sticky 📣You can add any filling you like, you can pinch it, it's very simple 🔔Note that the dough mixer must be fixed There are four suction cups below, they must be sucked to the table first Otherwise, the machine will keep moving during the kneading
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# 兔然就过年了 # 这一次正儿八经的 好好用一下 BEAR小熊 家用小型全自动和面机 不锈钢电动揉面机 多功能发酵发面搅拌厨师机 3.5L HMJ-A35Q2 - 亚米 $79.99(到手价) 面包我做了两种 ✅香葱肉松包 跟上次的差不多的配方 ✅蓝莓干果奶酪包 学的 Marvin宝宝最棒棒 的配方 🔆但是我没有蔓越莓 我换成了 哈密瓜干 和各种坚果 很神奇 本来哈密瓜干 甜的 根本吃不成,但是做成面包的馅之后 居然好吃 🔆蓝莓本身是干的 跟各种坚果在一起的,做成面包馅以后 它好像自己融化了 整个馅呈现紫色 还挺好看 和面的时候 面和牛奶比例是用的1.5比1 和面40分钟(上次20分钟) 四十分钟之后 看到 一点都不沾 做到了三光:面光 盆光 手光(不沾手) 看一下图一的 牛奶肌面团 面团闻起来也香香的 做出来的面包能不好吃吗 用硅胶铲 把面取出来之后 放面板上 弄成小份 每一小份弄成圆饼状 然后加馅就可以了 📣如果想要更松软 液体(牛奶)可以更多一些 但是会粘手一些 📣喜欢啥馅 就加啥 捏住皆可 非常简单 🔔注意 一定要把和面机固定好 下面有四个吸盘 必须要先让它们吸住桌子 不然和面的时候 机器会一直动