# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富 # When I placed the order, I saw that it was delivered by Dongcang, and it was expected to be delivered on New Year’s Eve on 1/21 at the latest. It turned out that it was delivered on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. After checking the logistics tracking, it was true that it was delivered by Dongcang, but my New Year’s goods decided to be delivered at Fedex I can't help it during the Chinese New Year! Although it’s okay to be a few days late, it’s just a pity that such a good-looking Spring Festival couplet, after all, for the shopping full of Spring Festival couplets, I scraped together $168, but I didn’t use it in the end. Besides, Spring Festival couplets can’t be kept. It can only be wasted for future use, but the quality of the Spring Festival couplets is quite good, and there is double-sided tape on the back, so it can be pasted directly after tearing, very convenient! This time, in order to make up for the discount, I also repurchased a lot of usual favorite items, such as meat muffins, Weita low-sugar soy milk, Weita apple jasmine, Master Kong iced tea, coconut tree brand coconut milk, Xiaobawang original mustard, jelly powder, New Orleans Grilled Wing Marinade, Seaweed Rolls, Indonesian Chow Mein, Ling Ling Rolls and more! There is also obsessive-compulsive disorder who like to buy all the different flavors of the whole series when buying new products, so I also bought Liuliu plum, white rabbit toffee, ready-to-drink bird's nest, quarter past three, juice, tea, and took down the whole series on the shelves !
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# 兔然就过年了 # # 兔然暴富 # 下單的時候看到是東倉發貨,預計最晚是1/21除夕送達的,結果在大年初五才送達,看了看物流追蹤,沒錯是東倉發貨,但我的年貨決定在Fedex過年我也是沒辦法呀!雖然晚到幾天也沒什麼,只是可惜了這麼好看的春聯了,畢竟為了這購物滿贈的春聯,我還東湊西湊的湊滿$168,最後還沒用上,再說春聯這東西嘛又不能留著以後用,只能浪費了,不過春聯的質量挺不錯的,背面還有雙面膠,撕開直接可以貼了,很方便! 這次為了湊滿減也是回購了超多平常最愛的單品,比如肉鬆餅、微他低糖豆奶、微他蘋果茉莉、康師傅冰紅茶、椰樹牌椰汁、小霸王原味榨菜、仙草粉、新奧爾良烤翅醃料、紫菜卷、印尼炒麵、玲玲卷等等!還有強迫症買新品時喜歡整個系列不同口味全拿下,於是還買了溜溜梅、大白兔奶糖、即飲燕窩、三點一刻、果汁、茶葉,把上架的全系列通通給拿下!