#兔然就过年了# Konjac Shuang Vegetarian Hairy Belly is another delicious 😋 snack. There are 20 small packets in a box, and the portion is decent! This is not only hot and sour, but also has a pickled pepper flavor, which is really spicy and enjoyable! and open The stomach tastes smooth and Q-bomb, low in calories, and it feels spicier than the spicy one 😅 Fortunately, I can still bear it 😆
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# 兔然就过年了 # 魔芋爽素毛肚又是一款好吃😋的小零食,一盒共有二十小包,份量妥妥的! 这款不仅酸辣还带有泡椒味实在是辣的过瘾啊!而且开 胃囗感爽滑Q弹,热量低,感觉比香辣口味的更辣些😅 还好我还能扛得住😆