#兔然就过年了# I didn’t expect that Tongrentang would still produce shampoo, which was made by Polygonum multiflorum Zhizhi. It sounds very friendly to “bald girls”, haha. I bought a bottle and tried it. The 300g bottle is very cute, and the smell is pretty good. The fly in the ointment is that I think its foaming property is not very good, and I still don’t feel much foam after squeezing a lot (I personally compare I like shampoos with a lot of foam) so I don't feel too comfortable after washing. I probably won't be buying this bottle after I've used it up
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# 兔然就过年了 # 没想到同仁堂还有出洗发水,还是何首乌植萃款的,听着就很”秃头女生”友好,哈哈。买了一瓶试了一下,300g一瓶装的很可爱,气味也还蛮不错的,美中不足的是我觉得它的起泡性不是太好,挤了很多也还是感觉没有太多泡沫(我个人比较喜欢泡沫多的洗发水) 所以洗起来感觉也没有太舒服。可能用完这瓶就不会再买了