#兔然就过年了# I just found out that this cookie gift box is YAMI Yami New Year's selection! Read the comments saying that the quantity is large and delicious Really not disappointed The children at home have already agreed to repurchase it "out of their own pockets" (Gemini: Mom will buy another box!! Me: Don’t buy it? It costs $14, or you can buy it with your own money? Gemini: OK, OK (people are stupid and have a lot of money x Me: Then you two are $7 each) really cute hahahaha Let's talk about the taste! Figure 2⃣️Cream Sandwich Waffle Shortbread Very crisp and tender taste, slightly sweet I think it's just plain and tasteless. Picture 3⃣️Soft milk cookies It’s not as delicious as I made it myself 🤣 Figure 4⃣️Chocolate Bean Cookies tasty! The taste is actually like shortbread Figure 5⃣️Dark Chocolate Cookies Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa therefore so delicious! ! ! After eating one piece, I immediately hid the other two pieces (beaten Why only three dollars? ? Please sell separately🥺🥺🥺 Figure 6⃣️Almond Macarons I don't like almonds, and I don't like the coconut flavor of macarons Figure 7⃣️ Butter Egg Roll Crispy Egg Rolls with Creamy Flavor The kid finished eating in one go The two cookies are delicious, others are average The quantity is still quite large! Dark Cookies Dark Cookies Dark Cookies I only have dark chocolate cookies in my eyes 🤩🤩
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# 兔然就过年了 # 才发现这款曲奇礼盒是 YAMI 亚米 年货精选诶! 看评论说量大又好吃 果真不失所望 家里小朋友已经说好要“自掏腰包”回购了 (双子:妈妈再买一盒!! 我:不买了吧要$14刀呢,不然你们用自己的钱买? 双子:好啊好啊(人傻钱多x 我:那你俩一人$7) 真的很可爱哈哈哈哈 来说说味道! 图2⃣️奶油夹心华夫脆饼 很脆很嫩的口感,微甜 我觉得普普通通吧没什么味道 图3⃣️软软的牛奶曲奇 没自己做的好吃🤣 图4⃣️巧克力豆曲奇 好吃!口感其实像shortbread 图5⃣️黑巧克力曲奇 啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊太好吃了!!! 吃了一块立马把另外两块藏起来了(挨打 为什么只有三块?? 求单独卖🥺🥺🥺 图6⃣️杏仁马卡龙 不喜欢杏仁,马卡龙有椰香也不喜欢 图7⃣️黄油蛋卷 有奶香味的脆脆蛋卷 小朋友一下就吃完了 两款曲奇好吃其他一般 量还是挺大的! 黑巧曲奇黑巧曲奇黑巧曲奇 我眼里只有黑巧曲奇🤩🤩