#兔然就过年了# I love chestnuts very much. But after coming to the United States, I found that the raw chestnuts bought in the supermarket here are very different from the ones I ate when I was a child. I don't know whether it is improper operation or what, whether it is boiled or stewed in an air fryer, it is difficult to peel the cooked chestnuts. It can't cover the whole thing. Now I am too lazy to cook it myself, so I just buy ready-made ones. The quality of this chestnut is good, about 10 in a small bag, just enough for one bag at a time. The chestnut itself has a moist taste and a sweet taste, and it has been opened to make it easy to shell. It is a good snack to relieve hunger after eating.
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# 兔然就过年了 # 超级爱吃板栗。但来美后发现,这里超市买的生板栗品种和小时候吃的很不一样。不知是操作不当还是什么原因,无论是煮还是用空气炸锅焖,煮熟的板栗很难脱皮。总也包不出整个的。现在也懒得自己煮了,直接买现成的。这款板栗质量不错,一小袋10粒左右,一次一袋量刚刚好。板栗本身口感湿润味道甘甜,都做了开口处理,脱壳挺容易。吃过后饱腹感满满,是挺不错的解饿零食。