#兔然就过年了# When I was watching the drama, I always wanted to eat yellow stewed chicken. I took out the Yumei seasoning yellow stewed chicken cooking package I bought before in the refrigerator, processed the ingredients I wanted to eat, added the seasoning and stewed it for a while, and it was hot and fragrant. Braised yellow chicken Chicken dishes, coupled with the blessing of the Staub cast iron pot, no matter how handy the kitchen skills are, it can become the cooking skills of a half-bucket water expert 😆 This pot really blows me up
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# 兔然就过年了 # 看劇的時候一直想著要吃黃燜雞,翻出冰箱裡之前買的與美調料黃燜雞料理包,把想吃的材料處理好,調料加進去燜燒一會兒就是熱騰騰香噴噴的黃燜雞料理,加上有Staub 鑄鐵鍋的加持,再手殘的廚房功夫也能成為半桶水達人的廚藝😆這鍋下去真的撐炸了我