#兔然就过年了# Why is there a rolling pin at home, because I have a family member who loves to eat pasta and likes to make pasta by myself. Some time ago, I was clamoring to buy a new rolling pin (the original one was cracked). Going to find a cheap one on Yamibuy. Hey~ I really found it for me, the double gun is very useful! The price is not expensive✌️The family has used it to make pasta twice, and the results are very good👍
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# 兔然就过年了 # 家里是为什么会出现一根擀面杖呢,因为我有一个十分爱吃面食且十分喜欢自己做面食的家属,前段时间吵着嚷着说要重新买一根擀面杖(原来那根裂开了)我就在亚米上打算物色一款物美价廉的。嘿~还真给我找到啦,双枪的这款很好用!价格也不贵✌️家属已经用它做了两次面食,效果都很不错👍