#兔然就过年了# I remember that the first time I came into contact with Lee Kum Kee’s Panda Oyster Sauce was when I was shopping in the Super League here (yes, the only Lee Kum Kee I’ve bought since I haven’t cooked myself in China is garlic chili sauce...) At that time, I was choosing oyster sauce , I was going to pick a random brand and get ready to go. An old lady told me, girl, don’t take this, take Lee Kum Kee’s panda oyster sauce, the stir-fry is delicious! There was a warm feeling in my heart, and I listened to the old lady's words. it's actually very good! Now cooking is inseparable from it, adding freshness and flavor is great! 🌹
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# 兔然就过年了 # 记得第一次接触到李锦记的熊猫蚝油的时候是在这边中超购物的时候(是的在国内没自己做过饭的我唯一买过的李锦记就是蒜蓉辣椒酱……)当时我在挑选蚝油,本来随便挑一个牌子拿了就准备走的,一个老太太跟我说,闺女,别拿这个,拿李锦记的熊猫蚝油,炒菜好吃的!我心里一阵暖意融融,就听那位老太的话了。真的很不错!现在炒菜都离不开它,增鲜增香一级棒!🌹