#兔然就过年了# (This is the mapo tofu from a good family) I used to have a very light taste (Cantonese people don’t explain it haha) I feel that my diet has undergone structural changes since I lived with my family... I always have similar boiled pork slices at home , Spicy Hot Pot, Mapo Tofu and other seasonings, anyway, the family is not fond of spicy food, all the Cantonese dishes I cook are not to his taste😮‍💨No choice but to learn new Sichuan cuisine (in fact, just buy some Just put in the seasoning and you're done haha)
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# 兔然就过年了 # (这款是好人家的麻婆豆腐) 以前本人的口胃都特别清淡的(广东人不解释哈哈)自从跟家属一起生活后感觉饮食都出现了结构性的变化……家里常备类似水煮肉片,麻辣香锅,麻婆豆腐这种调料,反正家属就是无辣不欢,我做的那些粤菜全都不合他的口味😮‍💨没办法,只能学学新的川菜系了(其实就是买些调料怼进去就完事了哈哈)