# 兔然就过年了 #Three Squrriels Three squirrels dried mango, sweet and sour, very chewy, dried mango pulp is very thick, moderately soft and hard, chewing with mango fiber in the mouth, indicating that it is made of fresh fruit and dried, really The material is real, full of strong mango flavor, delicious. There is a thin layer of frosting on the surface of the dried mango, which is not too sweet, but a little sour, very fresh and appetizing, very refreshing, and full of aftertaste.
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# 兔然就过年了 #Three Squrriels 三只松鼠 芒果干,酸酸甜甜很有嚼劲,芒果干果肉很厚实,软硬适中,咀嚼在嘴里有芒果的纤维,说明是采用新鲜水果晾制而成,真材实料,满满浓郁地芒果风味,很好吃。芒果干表面有一层薄薄的糖霜,不会太甜,带一点点酸,很清新开胃,十分爽口,让人感觉回味十足。