# 兔然就过年了 #Cotton bobo face towel, pearl pattern roll bag, 70 pumps, 100% cotton, has a certain thickness, cleans more thoroughly, wet and dry, soft and skin-friendly, does not shed lint, soft and delicate touch , Super easy to use, the packaging design is very thoughtful, waterproof, moisture-proof and dust-proof, can be hung anywhere in the bathroom, saves space, is very convenient to take out at any time, easy to tear, and can be used by adults and children.
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# 兔然就过年了 #纯棉波波洗脸巾,珍珠纹卷式袋装,70抽,100%全棉,有一定的厚度,清洁更彻底,干湿两用,柔软亲肤,不掉絮,触感轻柔细腻,超好用,包装设计非常贴心,防水防潮防尘,可悬挂在卫生间的任何地方,更节省空间,随时抽取很方便,轻轻松松很好撕,大人小孩都可以使用。