#兔然就过年了# Bean curd sticks are excellent for stewed meat, soup, and shabu shabu-shabu. The bean product is my favorite. I tried to sell fresh bean curd sticks before, but the taste of fresh bean curd sticks is soft after cooking. Dried bean curd sticks are still more suitable for me. Aesthetics, although it is a bit troublesome to eat with bubbles, it tastes good, so I will repurchase and repurchase
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# 兔然就过年了 # 腐竹用来炖肉炖汤涮火锅都是极好的,豆制品离最喜欢的就是它了,之前还尝试过卖新鲜腐竹,可是新鲜的反而煮完之后口感偏软,还是干腐竹符合我的审美,泡泡吃虽然麻烦点但是味道好就行了,回购回购