#情你收下吧!# Because of myopia👓, I usually pay more attention to eye care! DHC blueberry 🫐 eye protection nutritional tablets, eat prepared. The eyes are often overly tired and sore, insisting on eating has a significant improvement, and the eyes are not so dry and comfortable! One pack is a 20-day supply, two capsules at a time! Healthy food for eye protection 👀
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# 情你收下吧! # 因为近视👓所以平时更注意眼睛的保养! DHC蓝莓🫐护眼营养片,吃着有备无患。眼睛经常过度疲劳酸痛,坚持✊吃有明显的改善,眼睛没那么干涩舒服多了! 一包是20天的量,一次两粒!保护眼睛👀的健康食品