#情你收下吧!# Little Bear came to New Orleans Chicken Wings with a honey sauce marinade. This is what I use to marinate chicken legs, because I don't like chicken wings very much. From my experience with multiple purchases of this, eight drumsticks use exactly one bag of marinade. Before marinating, cut a few knives on the chicken legs so that it is easy to taste, and then bake it.
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# 情你收下吧! # 小熊驾到新奥尔良鸡翅腌料蜜汁味。这个我都是用来腌鸡腿的,因为我不大喜欢鸡翅。根据我多次购买这个的经验,八个鸡腿正好用一袋腌料。腌之前现在鸡腿上割几刀,这样方便入味,然后再烤就可以了。