#情你收下吧!# The most romantic feeling is the long flow of water. Live an ordinary life every day and take care of each other. This is the healthiest cereal I have ever bought. It has a rich texture, a fragrant taste, no frying, and no trans fat. And the name of eating a rainbow 🌈 makes me feel inexplicably good every time I see it. In a quiet morning, one bowl per person, just the right amount of light fruit sweetness, to start the day of Valentine's Day❤️
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# 情你收下吧! # 最浪漫的感情莫过于细水长流。 过好每一天平平淡淡的生活,照顾好彼此。 这是我买过最健康的麦片了,丰富的口感,清香的味道,无油炸,无反式脂肪。而且吃个彩虹🌈的名字让我每次看到都会莫名的好心情。 安静的早晨,一人一碗,恰如其分的淡淡水果甜味,开启情人节的一天❤️