#春季养身计划# Who said that keeping healthy is eating bran swallowed vegetables Good nutrition is important Otherwise, what vitality do you have if you are yellow and thin? A friend gave me a bowl of soup last night It's pork belly, pork ribs, mushrooms, dried cuttlefish, stewed But by then I had already finished my meal Although it smells delicious, I refrained from eating it (I don’t eat after dinner, but I have to eat nutritious meals for three meals, which is health preservation) You can show your skills at noon today ✅Open the back of the shrimp, remove the shrimp line and remove the shell (keep the head of the shrimp) ✅Frozen tofu cut into triangles ✅At the same time, the casserole heats up the soup ✅Put the tofu first (frozen tofu absorbs the flavor, the longer it cooks, the better it tastes) ✅Add a little pepper ✅ Add processed 🦐 into it ✅Sesame sauce for sauce and Junhuang sauce in Yunpinxian ✅Add a little coriander at the end
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# 春季养身计划 # 谁说养生 就是吃糠咽菜了 营养搭配好 才重要 不然面黄肌瘦的 还有啥活力 昨天晚上朋友给了一碗汤 是 猪肚 排骨 香菇 墨鱼干 炖的 但是 那会我已经吃完饭了 虽然闻着很香 但是忍住没吃 (晚饭之后不进食 但是三餐要吃的有营养 这才是养生) 今天中午 就可以大展身手了 ✅把虾开背 去虾线 去掉壳(留着虾头) ✅冻豆腐 切成三角块 ✅同时 砂锅把汤加热起来 ✅先下豆腐(冻豆腐吸味 煮越久越好吃) ✅加一点胡椒粉 ✅加处理过的🦐进去 ✅调酱 用的芝麻酱 和 云品鲜里面的 菌皇酱 ✅最后加一点香菜就好啦