#春季养身计划# There are really a lot of Fancl health food Let’s talk about this blueberry element, I’ve been eating it for a while, The feeling is that the eyes are not so dry, and the eye fatigue is relieved. The eyes are clear and there is not much feeling An oral product cannot be said to have any miraculous effects~ Anyway, we are serious about health preservation!
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# 春季养身计划 # Fancl身体保健食品真的很多 说说这个蓝莓素吧,吃有一段时间了, 感受就是觉得眼睛没有那么干涩了,眼睛疲劳也缓解些了。 眼睛清晰什么的没有太大感觉 一个内服产品也不能说有什么神奇的效果~ 反正养生咱们是认真的!