#春季养身计划# Master Kong Honey Grapefruit Tea. Master Kong's tea uses natural honey and high-quality pomelo. Therefore, the raw materials are very healthy, especially suitable for drinking in spring. The aroma of grapefruit is paired with honey, and the taste is particularly good. And honey and grapefruit are also good for the body, it really kills two birds with one stone.
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# 春季养身计划 # 康师傅蜂蜜柚子茶。康师傅的这款茶选用的是天然的蜂蜜和优质的柚子。所以原材料非常健康,特别适合春天饮用,柚子的香配上蜂蜜,味道特别好。而且蜂蜜和柚子对身体也有好处,真是一举两得。