#春季养身计划# Health Soup Granny Rice Rice Wine Noodles I have been eating Granny Mi for several years. Especially during the confinement period, a bowl of glutinous rice balls or fermented egg soup nourishes and produces milk! Boil the water, add fermented rice glutinous rice and boil it, add small glutinous rice balls and cook until they float, beat an egg into it! Turn off the heat and sprinkle with a pinch of sweet-scented osmanthus! Warm stomach and heart. If you want it thicker, you can add starch to thicken it, but it doesn’t matter if you eat it at home😂 In fact, it would be best to have a spoonful of sweet-scented osmanthus honey, but it’s a pity I haven’t had it for a long time! I really want to go back home...
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# 春季养身计划 # 养生汤水 米婆婆 米酒 酒酿 米婆婆我吃了好几年了。尤其坐月子的时候,一碗酒酿小汤圆或者是酒酿蛋汤养人又下奶! 水开,醪糟加进去煮开,下了小汤圆煮到漂起来打一个蛋花进去!关火出锅撒上一小撮桂花!暖胃又暖心。 想要浓稠一些的话可以加淀粉来勾个芡,但是自己家里吃就不讲究了😂 其实如果有桂花蜜来一勺是最好不过的,可惜好久没吃到了!好想回国哦……