Just in time for the event of getting a $10 gift card over 99, I bought a whole big box of things. It was so heavy that I asked the uncle of ups to help me move in. I bought rice water before, and it's not bad. It's good to use with side dishes, preserved eggs, and honey. It's good to be healthy~ I bought three kinds of fruit vinegar and I feel that it can detoxify the body This brand of tortoise paste is also quite good, not particularly bitter, just the right taste Lao Yang's pineapple cake has been admired for a long time. As a person who likes the pineapple cake of Vig Cake House the most, I want to try it. Lao Yang can stand the test 🤔 After that, there are some things that are often repurchased. I don't know what to do. There are many things in the box, but I keep stocking up and get drunk.
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刚好赶上满99送10刀gift card的活动 就买了整整一大箱的东西 重到得请ups的叔叔帮我搬进来 之前买了米稀 还不错 拿来配小菜啊皮蛋啊蜂蜜啊都是不错的 健康就好~ 买了三种果醋 感觉可以让身体排排毒 这个牌子的龟苓膏也挺不错的 不会特别苦 味道刚刚好 老杨的凤梨酥 久仰大名 作为一个最喜欢维格饼屋的凤梨酥的人 要来试试老杨经不经得起考验🤔 之后就是一些经常回购的东西啦 也不知道该怎么办 明明箱子里还很多东西 但就是一直囤货 醉了