#春季养身计划# Cooking for yourself is healthy and healthy Prepare dishes ✅Sliced green onion, diced tomato, shredded part of pepper, diced part of beef, shredded beef, soaked in blood water ✅Change the water twice in the middle, then drain the beef, add light soy sauce, edible oil, and a little starch, grab it well and set aside Make Tomato and Chili Scrambled Eggs ✅Heat the pan (beat the eggs at the same time) add oil, wait for the oil to smoke and scramble the eggs ✅Take out the eggs, refuel, add chili cubes, tomato cubes, stir-fry until the tomato juice comes out ✅ Throw in the scrambled eggs, add light soy sauce, a little salt and stir well Make Scallion Beef ✅No need to wash the pot, add oil directly in the pot, add chili shreds and dried chili after the oil is hot ✅Add marinated beef and stir-fry until the beef changes color ✅Add shredded shallots and fry the shredded shallots until soft ✅Add light soy sauce, stir well and take out of the pan Take the time to make a cold cucumber or something like that Three dishes and one soup can be done easily in one hour Two people can't finish a meal Add some noodles to the casserole at night Dinner is also settled
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# 春季养身计划 # 自己做饭 健康 又养生 备菜 ✅葱切丝,西红柿切块 辣椒一部分切丝 一部分切块 牛肉切丝 泡血水 ✅中间换水两次 然后把牛肉沥干水分 加生抽 食用油 淀粉一点点 抓匀备用 做西红柿辣椒炒鸡蛋 ✅锅烧热 (同时打蛋)加油 等油冒烟 炒蛋 ✅蛋捞出 重新加油 加辣椒块 西红柿块 炒烂糊 西红柿出汁 ✅把炒好的蛋丢进去 加生抽 一点点盐 炒匀即可 做葱爆牛肉 ✅不用洗锅 锅里直接加油 油热之后加辣椒丝 和干辣椒 ✅加腌好的牛肉 翻炒 牛肉到变色 ✅加葱丝 把葱丝炒软 ✅加生抽 炒匀 出锅 抽空还可以做一个凉拌黄瓜之类的 一小时 轻松搞定三菜一汤 两个人一顿吃不完 晚上下点面条 砂锅里面再加点料 晚饭也顺手解决啦