#春季养身计划# Earthen pots, casserole pots or ceramic pots are great for making soups very healthy and very nutritious Today my friend gave me a bag of frozen oysters, which are not only expensive but also rare. It must be cooked well. Why don't we make soup The ingredients of this soup are oysters, chicken legs, offal, mushrooms The beef offal, chicken legs, and shiitake mushrooms must be processed in advance I chopped the chicken into pieces and fried it. Someone has eaten part of it and left some chicken parts for soup Beef offal with tripe and tendon needs to be cooked for a long time in advance. Then refrigerate. You will find that the next day it becomes a jelly. First put the offal into the casserole Then put the fried chicken thighs in. Finally, put shiitake mushrooms and oysters. The shiitake mushrooms have been soaked in advance, so it is best to cook them again to ensure that there is no sand. After the water boils, let it simmer on low heat Add a handful of chopped green onion at the end. This pot is solid and solid. Saying it is a simple version of "Buddha jumps over the wall" is okay
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# 春季养身计划 # 土锅 砂锅 或者陶瓷锅 炖汤真是一级棒 非常养生 而且非常有营养 今天朋友给了一袋冷冻生蚝,不仅贵 而且稀有。必须好好料理一下。不如就炖汤吧 这次汤的食材有 生蚝 鸡腿 牛杂 香菇 里面的牛杂 鸡腿 香菇都要提前处理一下 鸡肉 我先剁成块 炒了一下。某人已经吃了一部分 然后留下一些鸡拐部位 炖汤用 牛杂 有牛肚 牛筋什么的 要提前煮很久。然后冷藏。会发现第二天 都变成 啫喱状的了 先把牛杂冻 放进砂锅里面 再把炒过鸡腿肉 放进去。最后放香菇 生蚝。 香菇提前泡过了 最好再煮一下 保证没有沙。 等水煮开之后 小火炖就好了 最后加一把葱花 就行啦。这一锅结结实实都是真材实料啊。说它是简易版的“佛跳墙”也还凑合吧