#春季养身计划# I bought a bag of KNORR Combo-flavored seafood series in Yami, whitebait kelp sprout thick soup, the main ingredients are: potato flour, fish larvae, kelp sprouts, tofu, edible salt, spices, etc., with a net content of 37 grams. Kangbao Whitebait Kelp Sprout Thick Soup uses high-quality raw materials, is convenient and easy to cook, and is rich in nutrition. It is a delicious and delicious health food. Here is the recipe for kissing baby fish loofah porridge: 1. Prepare a serving of white rice, fresh mushrooms, larvae, and chopped green onions; 2. Add water to boil first, pour the rice into the pot, turn to low heat after boiling, simmer for five minutes, add whitebait kelp sprout soup bag, mix well, then add loofah, fresh shiitake mushrooms, kiss larvae, cook for about half a minute Can. This time I chose red beans, purple rice, barley, shiitake mushrooms, and green onions, and cooked them together with the thick soup. Use a health pot to make red beans, purple rice, and barley, add fresh shiitake mushrooms to the pot and cook, sprinkle with whitebait and seaweed sprout soup Package, open the pot for one minute and add chopped green onion.
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# 春季养身计划 # 在亚米买了袋 KNORR 康宝风味海鲜系列里的,银鱼海带芽浓汤,原料成分主要有:马铃薯粉、吻鱼仔、海带芽、豆腐、食用盐、香辛料等,净含量 37 克。 康宝银鱼海带芽浓汤,采用优质原料,方便易煮、营养丰富,是款鲜香美味的养生食品,介绍了吻仔鱼丝瓜粥的做法: 1、准备好一份白饭,鲜香菇,吻仔鱼,葱花适量备用; 2、先加水煮沸,将白饭倒入锅中,煮开后转小火,文火五分钟,加入银鱼海带芽汤包,拌匀,再加入丝瓜、鲜香菇、吻仔鱼,煮约半分钟即可。 这次选了红豆、紫米、薏仁、香菇、绿葱,同浓汤一起煮,用养生壶把红豆紫米薏仁做好,倒锅中加鲜香菇煮熟,撒入银鱼海带芽浓汤包,开锅一分钟放葱花即可。