#春季养身计划# I made grilled cold noodles again in the morning Zhu Dafu Grilled Cold Noodles 615g $3.59(Arrival Price) Today, learn from my friends and cut the grilled cold noodles into small portions mouthful more convenient to eat By the way, take a photo with the green plants Enjoy the sunshine, green plants and grilled cold noodles ✅ Epiphyllum is a leaf cutting that grows so big ✅The smallest Brazilian wood was picked up, cut off the branches, hydroponically transplanted, and it grew well ✅The Fortune Tree was bought at a discount of $15 at Costco. It was such a big tree when I bought it Health is to be happy physically and mentally eat food breath of fresh air Beautiful morning, when health regimen is in progress
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# 春季养身计划 # 早上又做了烤冷面 朱大福 烤冷面 615g $3.59(到手价) 今天 学小伙伴 把烤冷面切小份 一口一份 吃起来更方便 顺便跟绿植合影一下 享受阳光 绿植 和烤冷面吧 ✅昙花是 一片叶子扦插 长这么大的 ✅最小的那颗 巴西木 捡回来 砍断枝条 水培 移栽之后 长得还不错 ✅发财树是Costco打折买的 15刀 买的时候就是这么大颗的 养生就是要身心愉悦 吃美食 呼吸新鲜空气 美美的早上 养生进行时