#春季养身计划# I bought bags of kernels and 12-flavored ancient recipe health-preserving foot bath packs in Yami. There are 30 individually packaged products inside. I took out a pack with some fine residues and a strong herbal smell. Put the foot bath packs into the foot bath and add boiling water Soak for three minutes, then add warm water to adjust to 45 degrees Celsius, soak for about 30 minutes, feel comfortable and relaxed, this foot bath can regulate the body and promote blood circulation, it is a good product for health, contains twelve Chinese herbal medicines with mild formula, Including: safflower, salvia, angelica, wormwood, chuanxiong, ginger, motherwort, lovage, tangerine peel, milletanus, angelica, astragalus; this product is not suitable for oral administration.
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# 春季养身计划 # 在亚米买了袋仁和十二味古方养生足浴包泡脚包,里面有30个独立包装的产品,拿出一包有些掉细渣,草药味浓郁,将足浴包放进足浴盆,加沸水浸泡三分钟,再加温水调至45摄氏度,泡三十分钟左右即可,感觉舒服放松,这款泡脚包可调理身体促进血液循环,为养身佳品,含配方温和的十二味中草药,包括:红花、丹参、当归、艾草、川芎、老姜、益母草、独活、陈皮、鸡血藤、白芷、黄芪;本品不宜内服。