#春季养身计划# TAISUN MIXED CONGEE, using eight kinds of natural grains, adding the good taste of oatmeal, refined with an exclusive formula according to the ancient method, thick and sweet, rich in nutrition, no preservatives, ready to eat, vegetarians can use it. Taishan brand eight-treasure porridge, the main ingredients are: water, sucrose, glutinous rice, oats, mung beans, pinto beans, oatmeal, red beans, peanuts, longan, brown sugar, spices, etc., net content 375 grams, 13.20 ounces, 269 calories per can. The lid is inlaid with a plastic folding spoon. After being unfolded into three folds, the length just fits the body of the can. The eight-treasure porridge tastes luscious and sweet, soft and not greasy. It is especially suitable for carrying to work or traveling by car. It is a healthy fast food with a strong satiety.
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# 春季养身计划 # TAISUN MIXED CONGEE,选用八种天然谷物,加了燕麦的好滋味,以独家配方遵古法精制而成,浓稠清甜、营养丰富,无防腐剂、打开即食,素食者可用。 泰山牌八宝粥,配料主要有:水、蔗糖、糯米、燕麦、绿豆、花豆、麦片、红豆、花生、桂圆、红糖、香料等,净含量 375 克,13.20 盎司,每罐 269 卡路里。 盖子里面镶嵌着塑料折叠勺,展开三折后,长度刚好符合罐身,八宝粥口感润滑香甜、软糯不腻,特别适合上班携带或外出开车旅游,是款饱腹感强的养生速食。