#春季养身计划# Xulongxing Alaska super red ginseng sample sample, net weight 25g per package, contains two dried sea cucumbers, self-packed in a transparent PVC bag, including a product introduction manual, after opening the sample package, there is a strong Seafood flavor, firm and plump to the touch, complete and undamaged, with clear skin texture, straight and neat ginseng shape, start soaking according to the instructions of Alaska super red ginseng: 1. After immersing in clean water, put it in the refrigerator for two days and change the water every day; 2. Cut the belly of red ginseng with scissors; 3. Remove the spit, wash the red ginseng abdomen, and keep the strip-shaped tendons; 4. Soak the red ginseng in clean water again, refrigerate for 2-5 days, and change the water every day; 5. When the red ginseng can be folded in half by hand, the foaming is completed. Features and benefits of XLSEAFOOD Alaskan Red Ginseng: The ginseng skin is brownish red, the outer skin and abdomen are scale-like, the ginseng spines are scattered with sharp long thorns, the spout is in the shape of a gun tube, and there are white teeth inside. When the incision is caught, the dehydrated knife edge is removed. Strong seafood aroma, pure natural light dry process, no salt and sugar and other additives; ginseng tendon is commonly known as osmanthus clam, long-term consumption can improve immunity, ginseng meat is wine red, tastes like pork belly, rich in bone collagen, can maintain joints Tissue, ginseng skin is ash-free, rich in sea cucumber polysaccharides that enhance immunity, and has a smooth taste; Alaska's 6-year-old super wild light-dried whole red ginseng is naturally caught from the pollution-free offshore area of Alaska. It tastes fresh and crisp, and the ginseng tendons are strong. It can improve the immunity of white snowballs and the body, repair joints, and is a good health product.
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# 春季养身计划 # 旭龙行阿拉斯加特级红参试吃小样,每包净含量25克,里面有两只干海参,用透明PVC袋自封包装,含产品泡发介绍说明书一张,打开试吃装后,有浓郁的海鲜味,摸上去硬实饱满,完整无破损,外皮纹理清晰,参型挺拔整齐,按照阿拉斯加特级红参的说明方法开始泡发: 1、浸入净水后,放入冰箱冷藏两天,每天换水; 2、剪刀将红参肚子剪开; 3、摘去沙嘴,将红参腹内清洗,保留条状筋络; 4、将红参再次用净水浸泡,冷藏2-5天,每天换水; 5、当可用手对折弯曲红参,即完成发泡。 旭龙行XLSEAFOOD阿拉斯加红参特点和功效: 参皮褐红色,外皮和腹部呈鳞片状,参刺散布锋利的长刺,沙嘴呈枪管状,内有白色牙齿,切口捕捞时除内脏脱水的刀口 ,白色条状物为红参筋,参味浓郁海鲜香味,纯天然淡干工艺,无盐糖等添加剂;参筋俗称桂花蚌,长期服用可提高免疫力,参肉呈酒红色,口感似猪肚,富含骨质胶原蛋白,可养护关节组织,参皮外皮无灰,富含增强免疫力的海参多醣体,口感滑爽; 阿拉斯加6年生特级野生淡干原条红参,天然捕捞自阿拉斯加无污染的外海区域,味鲜脆爽、参筋粗壮 ,提升白雪球及机体免疫力,修复关节、保健佳品。