#春季养身计划# Millet is always kept at home. The elders said that drinking it when you have a cold can sweat and relieve the condition. First, rinse it with clean water. It is relatively clean and free of impurities. When soaking, the yellow millet is golden in color, with uniform particles, full and round. Put ginseng, wolfberry, onion and ginger cooking wine, and salt. After stewing, the green wild yellow millet grains are plump, rich in taste, and soft in fragrance. The millet can make several times more porridge than itself. Green Field Organic Premium Yellow Millet Introduction: Select high-quality organic yellow millet, no chemical pesticides, no chemical fertilizers, no chemical additives, no artificial coloring, no pollution planting, retain complete nutrition, traditional farming and planting, grasp the fresh season and harvest and select. Millet is one of the five grains in ancient China, and it is also one of the main grains that northerners like most. Organically selected high-quality yellow millet is the golden pearl in grains. It is carefully screened and has uniform grains without damage or impurities. It has multiple functions and nutrients, and is rich in protein, fat, and vitamins. It is not only edible, but also clears away heat and quenches thirst, nourishes yin and nourishes the spleen and kidney, benefits the intestines and stomach, and facilitates urination. It can also be used to make wine. It is a health-preserving food.
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# 春季养身计划 # 家中常备小米,长辈说感冒的时候喝,能发汗缓解病情,首先用清水冲洗,较干净无杂质,泡时黄小米色泽金黄、颗粒均匀、饱满圆润。 放了人参、枸杞、葱姜料酒、食盐,炖好后绿野黄小米粒粒饱满、口感浓厚、清香绵软,小米能做出比本身多出几倍的粥量。 绿野有机优质黄小米介绍: 甄选优质有机黄小米,无化学农药、无化学肥料、无化学添加剂、无人造色素、无污染种植,保留了完整营养,传统的农耕种植,把握新鲜时令而收获挑选。 小米是中国古代的五谷之一,也是北方人最喜欢的主要粮食之一,而有机精选优质黄小米,是粮食中的金珠子,精心筛选、均匀颗粒,无破损、无杂质。 具多重功效及营养成分,含丰富蛋白质、脂肪、维生素 ,不仅供食用,还可清热解渴、滋阴补脾肾、益肠胃、利小便等,也可用来酿酒,是款养生的粮食。