#春季养身计划# I bought some ingredients for soup in Yami, and this time I made a stew pot. I chose: Dongzhiwei North and South Dried Macaroni White Lotus Seeds, Lily, Wolfberry, Green Field Best Macaroni and Longan Meat, Buckwheat Kernel, Golden Cordyceps, Carrot, There are eight kinds of big stick bones. Wash and clean the raw materials, put them into the Narita automatic multi-functional stew pot, pour clear water over it, press the slow stew function, and enjoy it in three hours. The hot soup is good in color, fragrant, delicious and moist keep in good health.
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# 春季养身计划 # 在亚米买了些煲汤用的食材,这次做炖盅,选择了:冬之味南北干货通心白莲子,百合,枸杞,绿野极品通心龙眼肉,荞麦仁,金虫草,胡萝卜、大棒骨,共八种。 将原材料洗净清理好,放入 Narita 全自动多功能炖盅,倒清水没过,按慢炖功能,三小时即可享用,煲好的热汤,颜色好看、香气扑鼻、汤味鲜美、滋润养生。