#春季养身计划# Acid helps digestion Healthy Snacks after meal or between meals It's best to have a sour bite This hawthorn cake is very delicious There is no such thing as a stock-out king because it's not sweet and not hard The sweetness and sourness are just right The disadvantage is that there are too few I'll finish a pack soon
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# 春季养身计划 # 酸的东西 帮助消化 养生 的小零食 吃完饭 或者 两顿饭的见歇 来一口酸的 最合适了 这个山楂糕非常好吃 没有之一的 断货王 因为它不甜 不硬 酸甜度 软硬度刚刚好 缺点就是太少啊 很快就吃完一包了